No Cost Abortion Services for Illinois Residents
Quality Compassionate Reproductive Health Care Personalized to Fit Your Needs
There is NO FEE for Abortion Care if:
- You Have Illinois Medicaid Coverage OR
- You are Willing to Apply for Illinois Medicaid Coverage
Illinois Medicaid provides coverage for abortion services, with no out of pocket expense for patients.
Family Planning Associates can also provide free abortion care for patients who are eligible for Illinois Medicaid and apply for coverage. Please call us at 312-707-8988 so we can help get you coverage as soon as possible, if you are eligible.
If you have current Illinois Medicaid coverage:
Your insurance will cover an abortion 100% – You pay nothing. Sedation, medications, lab testing, ultrasound, and RhoGAM if you have a negative blood type are all included, with the procedure. This includes Medicaid coverage through CountyCare, Blue Cross Community Health, Meridian, IlliniCare, and Molina Healthcare.
If you do not currently have Illinois Medicaid coverage:
Please call us at 312-707-8988 so we can talk about your options and help get you coverage as soon as possible, if you qualify. We do not want you to delay your care. We can help you get coverage the day of your appointment.
Be prepared to provide detailed information about your income, including wages, child support, and help from family/friends, for example. This will help us make sure that you qualify for medical assistance.
Once you are approved for coverage – you pay nothing for abortion services. You can also get started on a birth control method the day of your abortion visit.
- An Illinois Medicaid card or a Medicaid MCO card (managed care organization such as County Care, Next Level Health, Meridian Health Plan, Illinicare health, etc…)
- Photo Identification
- If you have already applied for medical coverage through the state and are unsure of the status of your application, call us and we can check to see if you have been approved.
- If you do not have your recipient number yet we can look up your case with some basic personal information.

Registration Forms
You can complete your registration forms before you arrive. Simply download, print and fill out the forms. Please use a black ink pen only. (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)